"It's okay the insurance will cover that!" A statement made in our heads whilst looking at the damage we just caused to our vehicle by hitting a low level bollard, or having just reversed into a tree or wall. The damage looks minor, a small crack in the bumper, low impact so the air bags did not go off which would have ramped up the cost! The point is maybe the insurance will not cover it? Maybe the damage will cost less than the policy excess to repair? If not there is the loss of no claims bonus to consider and the increase in future car insurance premiums after making the claim. In such scenarios where we have what looks like not a lot of damage and said damage was all our own stupid fault, no other person or property involved, injured or harmed. Should we make a B line directly to our insurer or should we first get an understanding of how much it is going to cost to repair? Don't get me wrong and for reason of full disclosure any accident involving a third party individual or property, where you have caused damage to that third party must be advised to your insurer immediately. Also remember the majority of insurers will haggle the price down with the garage if they do not have agreed discounts in place already. They will spend as little as possible in getting your car repaired. That crack in the bumper is not going to be a new bumper! So maybe checking out the cost of repair first and doing your own haggling, maybe the better approach. The garage just want's the work. Stay safe.
